When you install and configure ArcGIS GeoEvent Server, you will use the same two accounts required by ArcGIS Server.
For more information, see Accounts used by ArcGIS Server and The ArcGIS Server account.
Data store connections in GeoEvent Server
In GeoEvent Server, a user must be an administrator to create, update, or delete content. For a single machine site that is not federated, this is an administrator user managed in ArcGIS Server Manager using users and roles. Users who have the publisher role can access ArcGIS GeoEvent Manager but will not have permissions to make changes.
If GeoEvent Server is federated with ArcGIS Enterprise (see Federate an ArcGIS Server site with your portal), then GeoEvent Server relies on Portal for ArcGIS to manage users and their roles. Since GeoEvent Server requires users to have the administrator role, GeoEvent Server administrators will also be administrators in the enterprise GIS. If you choose not to federate GeoEvent Server with the enterprise GIS, it can still interact with it, but some automated functionality (like creating new feature layers) may not be available.
Accounts used by GeoEvent Server data store connections
GeoEvent Server data store connections connect GeoEvent Server to other components such as local internal systems or remote third-party systems. When adding a data store connection in GeoEvent Server, you can optionally provide credentials for that connection. The credentials provided can be any user type. However, if you intend to allow GeoEvent Server administrators to create new items in the system, that user must be a publisher or higher.
Also, be aware that a data store connection will give GeoEvent Server access to items that are either:
- Public - Items shared publicly to everyone with credentialed or anonymous access.
- Owned by the user - Items owned by the user whose credentials were entered when adding a data store connection in GeoEvent Server.
A data store connection in GeoEvent Server will not be able to access items shared with the user via groups or items shared with the organization but not owned by the user.
For more information on adding data store connections in GeoEvent Server, see Data stores.