{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "LandBaseLayers", "guid": "AD9329A6-8E2C-466C-AE6C-74181A3012FE", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "This is a selection of various standard base layers for use in Web maps published via ArcGIS Online (AGOL)", "description": "This is a selection of various standard base layers for use in Web maps published via ArcGIS Online (AGOL)", "summary": "This is a selection of various standard base layers for use in Web maps published via ArcGIS Online (AGOL)", "title": "LandBaseLayers", "tags": [ "Parcels", "Highways", "PINs", "Tax IDs", "Addresses", "911 Addresses", "Blue Ridge Parkway", "Local Roads" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ -80.2437073584539, 36.7777860760894 ], [ -79.5884923432344, 37.2349678768119 ] ], "spatialReference": "NAD_1983_StatePlane_Virginia_South_FIPS_4502_Feet", "accessInformation": "Franklin County GIS, 2020", "licenseInfo": "" }